Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend Adventures

It officially being spring and all, I decided to have a bit of an adventure this weekend.

Finding myself in New York on Friday with a rare day off and some time to kill, I decided to take an N train out to Coney Island, a place that I have often seen on television but never visited. The weather was dreary, which lent to the whole sense of sadness surrounding the fenced off Comet and Wonder Wheel. For the record, I did not get a hot dog.

I started off at Penn Station.

We were underground for a while.

And then, above ground for a while.

At last! The Wonder Wheel. It makes me think back to my recent reading of The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay, which I highly recommend you read.

Time to hit the beach!

Is it summer yet?

No, I don't think so. It was cold, windy, and a good time to listen to Neutral Milk Hotel.

But, here's an eternal palm tree.

Other highlights of this trip included a visit to both Purl and Purl Patchwork, where I picked up some yarn. I found Patchwork to be a little too crowded for me to really enjoy. I was also on a time crunch. We also enjoyed a great dinner of wild boar and gnocchi at Villa Mosconi on MacDougal right near Houston, and right around the corner from Purl.

I've also been knitting. Focusing my efforts on getting full garments completed. It's been a challenge since I've lost weight and find myself struggling to dress a work in progress. Speaking of progress, here's the progress I've made on Marilyn's Not So Shrunken Cardigan by Wendy over at Knit and Tonic.

I have made several Knit and Tonic patterns, and I can't recommend them enough. They're wearable, the yarn, Elsebeth Lavold Silky Tweed in this case, is affordable, and you can easily size and customize everything to your liking. I plan on omitting the ruffles and just adding a simple garter stitch border all around.

And now that it's back to work tomorrow I think I'll settle back in my chair, work on some more decrease rounds, watch David Copperfield on Masterpiece Classic, and enjoy my freshly made Maple Syrup Scones.