Ah the road trip. We took one so far this summer in which I spent 12 hours hand beading the ruffles on a blouse I bought from Gap so we could look fashionable at the Team Clermont prom. Alas, we did not win prom king or queen. Defeated, on the way home I knit the better part of Branching Out, which like many other things, I have yet to actually complete.
Car trips are good for easy knitting. Scarves and hats, maybe a handbag, something mindless and fun. Tomorrow Mother and I trek down to North Carolina. I was going to bring some yarn and start the Somewhat Cowl, which I am quite excited to begin, but I've decided the better of it. Perhaps, I am afraid to begin it in a foreign land without my instruction books handy. I think this is most likely the case. I want to begin in the comfort of my own home where I can run upstairs and watch a video on increases, and listen to the travels of Rick Steves in the background.
So to the beach we will bring scarves, that other legwarmer that refuses to be knit, perhaps a handbag. Simple things, that will not invoke fear.
The only fear now is what do I do if I finish everything before we get home?